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Optimization and DSS for SC (III) |
The partners are higher education institutions, that present credited competence on the core domain of the activities proposed, namely, in Optimization, Decision Support Systems (DSS), and industry-based SC applications. The consortium include countries from norh to south of EU, and some of the institutions in the consortium are known to have a large tradition in Optimization and DSS fields. IBM/ILOG is the invited partner that provides high expertise in computational support. The Local Coordinators are listed below. |
Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01 |
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão Lugar da Abadessa, Apt. 148 7301-901 Portalegre Portugal |
Instituto Superior Técnico Dept. of Engineering and Management Av. Rovisco Pais 1 1049-001 Lisboa Portugal |
Dept. of Business Management & Sociology Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales Avenida de Elvas s/n 06071 Badajoz Spain |
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale Piazzale Tecchio 80 80125 Naples Italy |
Ana Amaro Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics ISCAC – Coimbra Business School Quinta Agrícola-Bencanta 3040-316 Coimbra Portugal |
Jordi Olivella Barcelona TECH Dept. of Business Management Institut Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials Avinguda Diagonal 647, planta 11 08028 Barcelona Spain |
Juan Manuel García-López Spain |
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