Optimization and DSS for SC (III)

Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01
III Summer School, Portalegre, Portugal, 06-20 JULY-2014


At each one of the partner institutions, these applicants should contact the Local Coordinator for the selection process.


The expenses are suported by the IP′s organization on behalf of the Erasmus rules, namely, the travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs.


DEADLINE: 19-January-2014 ! (e-form)

Caixa de texto: Applicants from the partner institutions



Applicants from non-partner European institutions are welcome and a few number of places is reserved.

This number can be increased if the partner institutions do not fulfill their quota.


However, the number of students attending the IP is limited and priority will be given to the applicants from the partner institutions.

Beyond the applicant′s CV and his motivation, we suggest that the application includes two presentation letters.

If selected, the applicant from the non-partner European institution can be partially supported (accommodation and subsistence).


Applicants either from non-partner European institutions or other countries than Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden shall contact the Portuguese Coordinator for further informations.


DEADLINE: 19-January-2014 !

Caixa de texto: Applicants from other European institutions

Incoming applications from non-European students are also welcome and a few number of places is reserved.

This number can be increased if the partner institutions do not fulfill their quota.


However, the number of students attending the IP is limited and priority will be given to the applicants from the partner institutions.

Beyond the applicant′s CV and his motivation, we suggest that the application includes two presentation letters.

Upon selection, the incoming applicants can be partially supported too (accommodation, and subsistence).

For further informations, contact the Portuguese Coordinator .


DEADLINE: 19-January-2014 !

Caixa de texto: Students from non-European institutions


Partners & Contacts








This Intensive Programme (IP) provides an opportunity either for PhD/MSc. students or post-doctoral researchers to get together and attend high level courses in Optimization of industry-based Supply Chains, within the related DSS.


The IP follows the European spirit of other Erasmus programmes, namelly the first edition of this summer school, which was held in July-2012 .


Beyond the Lifelong Learning ′s Erasmus programme, the IP is also sponsored or recognized by:





Caixa de texto: Odss.SC-2014 
day-by-day !